June 14, 2024 | 11:00 GMT+7

Hanoi targets 100% buses running on electric or green energy

Song Hoàng -

Investment capital estimated at $1.7-2 billion.

Hanoi targets to have 100% busses run on electric or green energy by 2033, under the city’s plan on developing means of public transport.

To achieve the target, the city mapped out three scenarios to replace diesel- or gasoline - fueled buses with vehicles running on electric or green energy.

In the first scenario, 100% of replaced buses run on electric with a total investment capital estimated at over VND52.35 trillion ($2.05 billion).

In the second, at least 70% of buses run on electric and 30% fueled by CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). Total investment capita is estimated at over VND47 trillion ($1.84 billion).

In the third, 50% of buses will run on electric and the rest will be fueled by CNG. Total investment capital needed is more than VND43.9 trillion ($1.72 billion).

The municipal People’s Committee has proposed to initially follow the third scenario basing on the real conditions.

The first scenario is therefore expected for implementation from 2040.



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