February 27, 2024 | 17:00 GMT+7

State President praises efforts of healthcare workers

Phúc Minh -

February 27 marks the 69th anniversary of Vietnamese Doctors’ Day.

State President Vo Van Thuong spoke highly of the important contributions made by healthcare workers to Vietnam’s development over the years while addressing a program in Hanoi on February 26 to honor healthcare workers on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of Vietnamese Doctors’ Day (February 27, 1955 - 2024).

The healthcare sector has posted significant achievements and made breakthroughs in many specialized areas, helping to improve the stature and health of the Vietnamese people and contributing greatly to national development, thereby helping the country become a bright spot in the realization of the Millennium Development Goals and in taking firm steps towards the Sustainable Development Goals in the field of healthcare, he said.

Vietnam is among the best performers in reducing maternal and infant mortality rates, while people’s health indexes have been improved considerably.

Low-income earners, ethnic minority people, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities have been given assistance to access medical services. The quality of healthcare examinations and treatment has continually improved. A number of epidemics and social diseases have been curbed and eradicated, according to the President.

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