June 22, 2024 | 15:30 GMT+7

$117 mln IP to be built in Hung Yen province

Thanh Xuân -

The projected IP covering 250 ha in An Thi district.

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai has approved a project building an industrial park in northern Hung Yen province with an estimated investment capital of over VND3 trillion ($117 million).

The Tho Hoang IP will cover 250 ha in An Thi district.

The IP will be incorporated into the provincial master planning for the 2021-2030 periods with a vision to 2050.

Hung Yen province targets to have 30 IPs by 2030 with a total area of nearly 9,600 ha.

Another five IPs are scheduled to be established after 2030, covering 2,460 ha.

The province gives investment attraction priorities to high-tech industries and environmental-friendly sectors with high added value.



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