August 08, 2024 | 09:30 GMT+7

Electricity generation reaches 179 bln kWh in 7M

Huyền Vy -

Renewable energy accounting for 13.4% in the period.

Total electricity generation in the first seven months of this year reached 179.44 billion kWh, a 11.5% increase compared to the same period last year, according to Electricity of Vietnam (EVN).

In July alone, 27.7 billion kWh of electricity was generated, a year-on-year rise of 6.9%.

Of the seven-month total, 96.4 billion kWh was generated from coal thermal power plants, accounting for 53.7%, 40.9 billion kWh from hydro power plants, or 22.8%, and 24.02 billion kWh from renewable energy, or 13.4%.

EVN and relevant units began construction of 55 power projects in the period and put 62 others into operation.

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