August 03, 2024 | 15:30 GMT+7

Party General Secretary and State President To Lam chairs international press conference

Vân Nguyễn -

The event taking place immediately after the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam’s conference on the morning of August 3, where the new Party General Secretary was elected.

Party General Secretary and State President To Lam  at the international press conference in Hanoi on August 3 (Photo: VNA)
Party General Secretary and State President To Lam at the international press conference in Hanoi on August 3 (Photo: VNA)

At an international press conference held immediately after the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam’s conference on August 3 morning in Hanoi, where President To Lam was elected as Party General Secretary, the new Party leader stated: “Vietnam will continue to strengthen relations with neighboring countries, major powers, comprehensive strategic partners, traditional friends, and other key partners in a profound, substantive manner, constantly consolidating political trust and ensuring a stable, peaceful foreign landscape to create the highest facilitation for national development,” the Vietnam News Agency has reported.

Answering questions about Vietnam's foreign policy priorities in the coming time, General Secretary and President To Lam emphasized that the general policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam, especially the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, including the foreign policy, remains unchanged and continues to be effectively implemented, building on the achievements of recent years. These results have been highly regarded internationally.

He stressed that, first and foremost, Vietnam upholds the principles of independence, self-reliance, self-resilience in its foreign activities. The national interests must always be protected and respected.

Highlighting the spirit of friendship with countries around the world, the newly elected Party General stated that having many friends is beneficial, as prosperity comes from friends. Vietnam’s always wants to be a friend with all countries in the world and share mutual benefits.

He underscored the priority of increasing Vietnam's contributions to maintaining regional and global peace and stability, further enhancing multilateral diplomacy, and promoting the role of an active, responsible member of the international community.

Furthermore, he emphasized the continued effective implementation of modern-era diplomacy, based on the Vietnamese people's essence of adaptability, peacefulness, and benevolence over might.

"This is the tradition and characteristic of Vietnamese diplomacy that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong summarized during his tenure," said General Secretary and President To Lam.

He also highlighted the priority of building a modern diplomatic system, closely combining Party diplomacy, state diplomacy, and people-to-people diplomacy, with Party diplomacy playing a guiding role, and people-to-people diplomacy solidifying the foundation of public sentiment in foreign activities.

The leader emphasized the high importance of foreign affairs, mobilizing the utmost strength of the era to contribute to firmly defending the Fatherland from early on, successfully implementing the renewal policy with two strategic goals: 100 years under the leadership of the Party and 100 years of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Answering questions from the press regarding Party rectification and anti-corruption efforts, General Secretary and President To Lam stated that they would continue to inherit the achievements and efforts in anti-corruption and negative phenomena of recent times.

"The anti-corruption and anti-negative phenomena efforts of recent times have garnered consensus, support, and trust from the people, cadres, and Party members towards the Party, as well as high appreciation from the international community,” he emphasized.

General Secretary and President To Lam said the solidarity and unity within the Party, the prestige, and the trust of leaders and anti-corruption agencies have received significant trust.

This task must be done decisively and thoroughly to triumph over internal enemies, he stressed.

Acknowledging that this issue attracts significant attention from domestic and international public opinion, the leader stated the policy of intensifying anti-corruption and anti-negative phenomena efforts under the principle of “no forbidden zones, no exceptions, regardless of who it is, dealing with one case to warn the entire region and sector.”

Focusing on anti-corruption and anti-negative phenomena efforts, starting from anti-corruption agencies, he emphasized the push to eradicate petty corruption through specific measures, expanding anti-corruption and anti-negative phenomena combat outside the state sector to contribute to cleaning up the Party and state apparatus.

Alongside anti-corruption efforts, General Secretary and President To Lam emphasized continuing administrative reform, addressing and removing obstacles to create new momentum for socio-economic development.

He expressed the desire to receive the consensus, support, and supervision of the entire political system, especially from the people, for these efforts to succeed.

Regarding the preparation for the 14th Party Congress, General Secretary and President To Lam highlighted that the preparation time for the congress is limited. Key tasks are being actively implemented. The Party’s sub-committees, including the Document Sub-committee, Personnel Sub-committee, Economic-Social Sub-committee, and Party Charter Sub-committee, are actively executing these tasks, finalizing documents in time to serve the Party congresses at all levels, leading to the 14th Party Congress.

"Preparation for the Congress also includes personnel work to have a good apparatus, a good cadre team, achieving the goals and expectations of the people with appropriate development directions for the future," the leader affirmed.

The original article is written and published on VnEconomy in Vietnamese only. To read the full article, please use the Google Translate tool below to translate the content into your preferred language.
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