July 20, 2024 | 16:30 GMT+7

Vietnam targets 173 fishery ports by 2030

Chu Khôi -

Their total capacity estimated at nearly 3 million tons of fishery products annually

Vietnam targets to have 173 fishery ports by 2030 with a total capacity of 2.983 million tons of fishery products annually following the master plan for maritime port system and storm shelter areas for fishing boats.

The master plan was announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) at a conference held in Mekong Delta Ben Tre province on July 19.

Under the plan, 160 storm shelter areas will be built for fishing boats with harbor space for about 90,600 fishing boats.

Addressing the conference, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien said the seafood sector has become one of the country’s spearhead sectors, making important contribution to socio-economic development. The annual seafood export revenue is estimated at $8.5-9 billion.

He reported that 92 out of 125 existing fishing ports across the country have been upgraded with a total capacity of accommodating 9,298 vessels per day.

Under the plan, key domestic and international trade hubs will be formed to facilitate the development of fishery industrial zones, coastal economic zones and major fishing centers linked to key fishing grounds, enhancing the fishery sector's efficiency and sustainability.


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