May 18, 2024 | 18:00 GMT+7

Candidates for State President and National Assembly Chairperson nominated

Vân Nguyễn -

General To Lam and NA Permanent Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Man expected to become State President and NA  Chairman, respectively.

General To Lam. Minister of Public Security (Photo: VNA)
General To Lam. Minister of Public Security (Photo: VNA)

The  Party Central Committee on May 18 nominated  General To Lam, member of the Politburo, and Public Security Minister, and Mr. Tran Thanh Man, member of the Politburo, and National Assembly Permanent Vice Chairman to the 15th National Assembly (NA) for election as the next State President and NA Chairman, respectively.

The 15th NA  will vote the President of the Socialist  Republic of Vietnam and Chairman of the 15th NA at its 7th session, scheduled to start on May 20.

General To Lam, 67, a Politburo member since 2016, became Deputy Minister of Public Security in 2010  and then Minister of Public Security in 2016.

15th National Assembly Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Man (Photo: VNA)
15th National Assembly Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Man (Photo: VNA)

Mr. Tran Thanh Man, 62, a Politburo member since 2021, formerly was Chairman of the People's Committee, and then Secretary of the Party Committee,  of the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho. Before elected as Vice Chairman of the 15th NA in 2021, he was President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee.

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