August 03, 2024 | 15:00 GMT+7

Inaugural address of Party General Secretary To Lam

VET / Vneconomy

President To Lam elected as the Party Chief at the Party Central Committee’s August 3 meeting.

General Secretary To Lam is delivering inaugural address at the Party Central Committee's meeting on August 3.
General Secretary To Lam is delivering inaugural address at the Party Central Committee's meeting on August 3.

At a meeting of the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam convened in Hanoi on August 3 morning, Politburo member and President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam To Lam was elected as General Secretary of the Party Central Committee.

In his inaugural address after the election, the new Party Chief expressed his sincere thanks to the Party Central Committee for electing and entrusting him with the great responsibility of the General Secretary of the 13th Party Central Committee.

He said:

“This is a tremendous honor, and simultaneously, a great responsibility before the Party, the people, the thousand-year-old illustrious history of the nation, and the cause of building and defending the socialist Fatherland in the new era.

“I promise before the Party Central Committee, our entire Party, people, and army to tirelessly strive, together with the members of the Party Central Committee, to inherit and vigorously promote the glorious traditions and valuable experiences of our Party and the achievements of National Party Congresses, including the 13th National Party Congress; uphold the highest spirit of "self-reliance, self-confidence, self-help, self-strengthening, and national pride"; continually strengthen unity and solidarity within the Party and the great national unity; continue to step up the Party building and rectification, and prevent and combat corruption and negative phenomena; align the thought with the action, the Party's will with the people's hearts; and dedicate fully and wholeheartedly to, strive and sacrifice for a strong Communist Party of Viet Nam; for a strong, democratic, just, and civilized Vietnam; and for well-off and happy Vietnamese people.

“I will focus on effectively leading the review of 40 years of national renewal, completing preparations to successfully organize the 14th National Party Congress, well preparing the draft documents of the 14th National Party Congress, giving orientations and well preparing personnel affairs at all levels, inheriting the important theoretical achievements on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam, as summarized by generations of Party leaders, including General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, to propose the correct policies and continue to lead the country towards comprehensive development in the coming period.”

General Secretary To Lam then expressed his belief that the 13th Party Central Committee, the Political Bureau and the Party Central Committee's Secretariat will be steadfast and strong collectives and nuclei that gather the strength and lead the entire Party, people, and army to successfully implement the Party's guidelines and policies, firstly the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, laying a solid foundation for achieving the goals of the country 100 years (in 2030) under the Party's leadership, and 100 years (in 2045) since the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (in 2045), with the aim of making the country a socialist-oriented developed nation by the mid-21st century.

He stressed that the recent decisive policies of the Party would certainly reinforce the Party's strength, consolidate unity and consensus, and improve the people's trust in the Party.

“I expect to continue receiving close coordination from members of the Party Central Committee so that I can well fulfill my assigned tasks,” he said.

“There are many difficulties and challenges on the journey ahead,” he went on,  “but with the unity, consensus, and the promotion of the Party's wisdom, mettle, and strong, correct, and sound decisions, we firmly believe that our country will become increasingly prosperous, our people will enjoy greater well-being and happiness, and our nation will grow stronger and steadily advance towards socialism.”

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