June 04, 2024 | 10:00 GMT+7

Vietnam targets sustainable and modern fisheries

Chu Khôi -

27 marine conservation areas will be establised by 2030.

Vietnam targets to become a nation with sustainable and modern fisheries by 2050 under the Master Plan for the Protection and Exploitation of Fisheries Resources for the 2021-2030 periods, with a vision towards 2050.

The plan has been announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).

Under the plan, 27 marine conservation areas will be established and operate effectively, covering over 463,500 ha.

The plan identifies 149 areas in coastal regions and 119 inland areas delineated to protect fisheries resources, focusing on spawning grounds and nurseries for juvenile fish.

It also sets a maximum number of fishing vessels to be in operation at 83,600.

The MARD reported that in the 2010-2023 periods, the production value of the seafood industry registered an annual average growth of 4-5% and the export revenue surged 6.1% annually.

In 2023, the total fisheries output reached 9.26 million tons and the export turnover was estimated at $9.2 billion.


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