June 07, 2024 | 18:30 GMT+7

VnEconomy Editor-in-Chief: ESG and the circular economy consistent with Vietnam’s development strategy

Viet An -

The development of a green and circular economy was the focus of an opening address from Editor-in-Chief of VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic Times, Dr. Chu Van Lam, at its “Businesses leading the way in implementing ESG and Circular Economy” seminar.

Dr Chu Van Lam, Editor-in-Chief of VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic Times. (Source: Viet Dung)
Dr Chu Van Lam, Editor-in-Chief of VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic Times. (Source: Viet Dung)

VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic Times jointly held a seminar on June 7 entitled “Businesses leading the way in implementing ESG and the Circular Economy” with agencies from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE), including the Department of Climate Change, the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment, the Media Center on Natural Resources and Environment, and the Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology, and Climate Change.

During his opening address, Dr. Chu Van Lam, Editor-in-Chief of VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic Times, said environmental, social, governance (ESG) standards and the circular economy, both of which are viewed by many countries as representing a “green revolution” in the 21st century, are consistent with Vietnam’s development orientation.

“A revolution requires the concerted effort of many organizations and entities,” he told the seminar.

Recognizing the role and mission of a media agency, in addition to content production, VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic Times has also held a range of related events to foster discussions and propose initiatives and solutions to boost green economic activities in Vietnam and its circular economy.

“Today’s seminar holds major significance, providing a foundation for VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic Times to develop specialized topics and support businesses in practicing ESG and developing a circular economy,” he continued.

He expressed a hope that stories on implementing ESG and the circular economy in various economic sectors would be shared by international organizations as well as foreign and Vietnamese enterprises attending the seminar, to provide information that is useful for all stakeholders.

“We hope this information will act as a basis to promote policy mechanisms and motivate enterprises to conduct business more effectively,” he said.

Within the framework of the seminar, VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic Times also officially launched a “Green Economy and Circular Economy Forum” section in their Vietnamese and English-language publications.

The section will be an official information channel from VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic Times and MoNRE with the goal of creating and developing specialized reporting on green transformation, the green economy, the circular economy, and ESG practices.

“This is a significant effort by VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic Times in information provision regarding the green economy and the circular economy,” Dr. Lam emphasized. “We will also integrate AI technology to provide accurate content and straightforward information retrieval for our readers.”

The original article is written and published on VnEconomy in Vietnamese only. To read the full article, please use the Google Translate tool below to translate the content into your preferred language.
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