July 25, 2023 | 06:30 GMT+7

Walmart to purchase more key products from Vietnam

Vũ Khuê -

Giant US retailer eyeing greater purchases of apparel, shoes, household electronics, furniture, and food.

Major US retailer Walmart is looking to purchase Vietnamese products in six key sectors - apparel, shoes, household electronics, furniture, food, and consumer goods - according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The information was revealed at a recent working session with representatives from Walmart in preparation for the Vietnam International Sourcing 2023 exhibition scheduled for Ho Chi Minh City from September 13-15, the ministry said.

Ms. Sarah Thorn, Senior Director, Global Government Affairs at Walmart, said Vietnam is one of the five largest exporters to Walmart, with key products including garments and textiles, household appliances, electronics, and processed food.

Vietnam has gradually become a key producer and supplier of products for its distribution system, with export revenue totaling over $2 billion last year.

Walmart officially opened a sourcing office in Ho Chi Minh City in 2013.

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