June 12, 2024 | 18:00 GMT+7

Agri Vietnam 2024 showcases latest technology

Phạm Long -

Over 100 enterprises from 14 countries, territories attending the event.

The event showcases many modern agricultural production machines and equipment. Photo: nongnghiep.vn
The event showcases many modern agricultural production machines and equipment. Photo: nongnghiep.vn

Over 100 domestic and foreign enterprises from 14 countries and territories are showcasing products at the 4th International Exhibition and Conference on Machinery, Equipment, Supplies, Chemicals and Agricultural Products in Vietnam (Agri Vietnam 2024), which opened in Ho Chi Minh City on June 12.

The Agri Vietnam 2024 showcases advanced, efficient and safe products and solutions in the agricultural sector, the Nong Nghiep Viet Nam online newspaper has reported.

The three-day exhibition creates opportunities for local and foreign producers, suppliers, distributors, and organizations to meet and seek business opportunities and expand markets.

The exhibition also serves as a venue to boost transfer technology to help Vietnamese firms get access to global advanced production technology.

A series of activities will be held on the sidelines of the event, including a seminar updating latest technology and market development and a B2B session for local and foreign firms to look for business opportunities.



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