July 06, 2023 | 17:30 GMT+7

FPT Smart Cloud partners with Home Credit Indonesia in AI development

Phuong Hoa -

Arrangement aims to revolutionize financial services in the Indonesian market through AI solutions from FPT Smart Cloud.

The ceremony marking the beginning of the partnership. Source: FPT Smart Cloud
The ceremony marking the beginning of the partnership. Source: FPT Smart Cloud

FPT Smart Cloud joined forces with Home Credit Indonesia on July 4 in an official strategic partnership for AI development.

The cooperation marks the beginning of a comprehensive alliance focused on the application of AI technology within the operations of Home Credit Indonesia, enabling the company to leverage FPT Smart Cloud’s expertise in AI solutions to enhance its services in the financial sector.

By joining forces with FPT Smart Cloud, the financial services company gains access to a wealth of advanced AI offerings and expertise to elevate services, enhance operational efficiency, and deliver unparalleled customer experiences. Specifically, at the heart of this partnership lies the ground-breaking AI Chatbot project, aiming to revolutionize customer interactions and support services.

Mr. Le Hong Viet, CEO of FPT Smart Cloud, highlighted that FPT.AI, which is developed and nurtured by FPT Smart Cloud, has a global vision to harness the power of natural language processing to address challenges faced by businesses worldwide. Indonesia, being a market full of potential, has been a priority for FPT Smart Cloud.

“Through this cooperation with Home Credit Indonesia, we aim to create lasting value and drive digital transformation in the financial sector,” said Mr. Viet. “Meanwhile, by leveraging FPT.AI solutions, Home Credit Indonesia gains a competitive advantage in the fiercely competitive market of Indonesian financial services.”

Similarly, Mr. Yusron Anas, Chief Information Officer at Home Credit Indonesia, noted that the partnership marks a new milestone in its journey to leverage advanced technology and innovation to serve its customers better and is part of landscape enhancements towards delivering automation everywhere in the company. “The implementation of AI technology will significantly enhance the speed and efficiency of our customer service, ensuring that our customers receive prompt assistance and a seamless experience across various touchpoints,” he said.

Despite the challenges ahead, this audacious partnership signifies a momentous leap towards a future fueled by cutting-edge technology. It also presents an exceptional opportunity for FPT Smart Cloud to enter the Indonesian market, unlocking a world of possibilities and propelling the company into an era of unprecedented growth and innovation.

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