September 12, 2024 | 17:00 GMT+7

HCMC Economic Forum 2024 to focus on sustainability

Vân Nguyễn -

The forum is anticipated to offer valuable insights from experienced specialists, creating favorable conditions for businesses to navigate the transformation proces

Delegates at the Ho Chi Minh City Economic Forum 2023.
Delegates at the Ho Chi Minh City Economic Forum 2023.

The Ho Chi Minh City Economic Forum 2024 (HEF 2024) will take place from September 24-27 under the theme "Industrial Transformation: A New Driver for the City's Sustainability."

A major panel discussion is scheduled on September 25, featuring renowned experts from various fields, including industrial transformation, innovation, and sustainable development. Participants will include representatives from the World Economic Forum, World Bank, FAO, UNDP, UNIDO, IFC, and C4IR.

At a press briefing on September 12, a representative from the municipal Department of Foreign Affairs announced that the HEF 2024 aims to foster stronger ties between Ho Chi Minh City and cities around the globe. The event also serves as a platform to showcase Vietnam and its people, particularly Ho Chi Minh City, to an international audience.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hoa, Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City Union of Business Association (HUBA), emphasized the city's role as a leading economic hub and the challenges businesses may face in the transformation process. He expressed the city's commitment to providing timely support and solutions to facilitate business growth.

HEF 2024 is anticipated to offer valuable insights from experienced specialists, creating favorable conditions for businesses to navigate the transformation process and achieve sustainable development, said Mr. Hoa.

As part of the HEF 2024, Ho Chi Minh City will host the Friendship Dialogue (FD 2024) on September 23-24, focusing on the theme “Industrial Transformation: Experience and Priorities in Development Cooperation”.

To date, 36 Vietnamese localities and delegations from 16 countries, including Laos, Cambodia, China, Cuba, the US, Japan, South Korea, Russia, India, Germany, Australia, Italy, Portugal, Belarus, Hungary and Uruguay, have registered to participate in FD 2024.

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