May 16, 2024 | 17:00 GMT+7

Party Central Committee’s 9th session opened

Tiến Dũng -

The 13th Party Central Committee started its ninth session on May 16 under the chair of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the 13th Party Central Committee's 9th session opened in Hanoi on May 16. (Photo: VGP)
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the 13th Party Central Committee's 9th session opened in Hanoi on May 16. (Photo: VGP)

The 13th Party Central Committee opened its 9th session in Hanoi on May 16 under the chair of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

During the session, which is set to last until May 18, the Party Central Committee will discuss the draft documents to be submitted to the 14th National Party Congress, the preparation for the direction over the organization of all-level Party congresses ahead of the 14th National Party Congress, and some other important issues.

In his opening speech, General Secretary Trong said the 14th National Party Congress is scheduled to take place in early 2026. This will be a significant political event and a highly important milestone on the country’s path of prosperous and everlasting development, encouraging and setting up orientations for the entire Party, people, and army to proudly and confidently, under the glorious flag of the Party, stay persistent in the goal of national independence and socialism, comprehensively and concertedly promote reforms, fast and sustainably develop the country, firmly safeguard the Fatherland, and build a Vietnam of increasing prosperity, powerfulness, democracy, affluence, civilisedness, and happiness; and to strive to achieve the goals for 2030, when the Party marks its 100th founding anniversary, and 2045, when the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam) celebrates its centenary.

According to the Party General Secretary, over the recent past, to prepare for the 14th National Party Congress, the sub-committees for socio-economic affairs and the Party’s statutes have quickly and seriously prepared the draft reports on political affairs, socio-economic affairs, the Party building, and the enforcement of the Party’s statutes. They have also sought the Politburo’s opinions to continue perfecting the drafts so as to submit them to the Party Central Committee for consideration at this ninth session.

The Party General Secretary requested the committee to thoroughly consider the documents and discuss the concrete proposals mentioned in the reports and draft documents.

Regarding orientations for the preparation for all-level Party congresses ahead of the 14th National Party Congress, the leader said the Politburo needs to issue a directive on this issue so as to ensure consistent leadership and direction over the preparation for and organization of all-level Party congresses ahead the 14th National Party Congress.

This session’s agenda is critical to the 13th Party Central Committee’s fulfillment of political tasks, the preparation of documents to be submitted to the 14th National Party Congress, and the direction over the preparation for all-level congresses ahead of the 14th national event, the Party General Secretary stressed.

He asked the Party Central Committee to thoroughly discuss the reports and plans so as to make decisions at the end of the session.

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