On July 27, the Board of Directors of the Phuc Khang Corporation successfully launched the second “Giving vegetables with compassion; Fighting Covid-19 with determination” campaign.
To control the spread of Covid-19, authorities in Ho Chi Minh City are strictly enforcing certain measures under Directive No. 16 from the Prime Minister and Directive No. 12 from the city’s Party Committee. Covid-19 poses serious challenges and hardships, not only threatening people’s health and causing chaos but also making it almost impossible to access clean and green vegetables during social distancing. Empathizing with residents at Diamond Lotus Riverside and all of its staff, the Board of Directors at Phuc Khang in cooperation with the Building Management Committee and the Representative Board of Residents is funding this second campaign.
The positive feedback and response from residents at Diamond Lotus Riverside and staff motivated the Board of Directors to continue efforts to provide them with healthy vegetables in this second campaign. More than 20 tons of different vegetables, such as pumpkins, potatoes, beetroot, carrots, bananas, green onions, and cilantro were carefully selected and placed on counters in each block’s lobby at Diamond Lotus Riverside, where residents can take what they need for their families.
“We appreciate residents’ full compliance with the ‘5K measures’ announced by the Ministry of Health to protect health and safety,” a representative from Phuc Khang said. “On this particular occasion, we can express our compassion and share with others to create optimism in the fight against the pandemic.”
As a pioneer green building developer with a philosophy of “Sustainable Development” that starts with “Responsible Development”, Phuc Khang’s Board of Directors acknowledge that health is our most valuable asset. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, it has not only introduced new policies to cope, such as forming a prevention steering committee, helping with health declarations and temperature checks, spraying disinfectant, and allowing more than 80 per cent of staff to work from home at full pay, but has also supported the city by financing 500 sickbeds, 2,000 meals at quarantine areas, 500 Japanese test kits, and millions of meals for the poor.
Although the vegetables provided are not in huge quantities, they represent Phuc Khang’s message of sharing both joy and sorrow. The campaign providing clean vegetables affirms the corporation’s “Heart of Gold” and its sense of responsibility and spirit of solidarity towards the community and authorities in fighting the pandemic and giving peace of mind to all.