June 21, 2024 | 18:00 GMT+7

PM Chinh hosts reception for Samsung Chief Financial Officer

Phạm Long -

Samsung's total registered investment capital in Vietnam reaching $22.6 billion.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (right) receiving Chief Financial Officer of Samsung Electronics Park Hark-kyu in Ha Noi on June 21. Photo: VGP
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (right) receiving Chief Financial Officer of Samsung Electronics Park Hark-kyu in Ha Noi on June 21. Photo: VGP

During a reception for Chief Financial Officer of Samsung Electronics Park Hark-kyu in Ha Noi on June 21, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh affirmed that the Vietnamese Government pledges to continue accompanying and providing optimal conditions for projects of Samsung to operate fruitfully and develop sustainably in Vietnam, the Government News has reported.

The Government always listens to opinions from businesses and investors with the viewpoint of “harmonized benefits and shared risks”, he said.

He proposed Samsung to continue supporting Vietnam in improving capacity of domestic enterprises to help them join the global supply chain more effectively as well as turn them into partners in Samsung's ecosystem.

He also suggested the group to boost research and development activities and support startup and innovation in Vietnam.

Mr. Park expressed his thanks to the effective and active support from Vietnam that have helped the group to overcome difficulties and challenges over the past years.

Samsung committed to continue accompanying Vietnam and strive to contribute to the country’s socio-economic development.

Samsung is currently the biggest foreign direct investor in Vietnam with a total registered investment capital of $22.6 billion.



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