August 09, 2024 | 15:00 GMT+7

Program launched to accelerate innovative startups for energy efficiency

Chương Phượng -

Applications are open for both startups and groups of students.

The first program accelerating innovative startups for energy efficiency in Vietnam was launched on August 8.

Online applications are open for both startups and groups of students at , with submission deadline being September 25, 2024.

The program is part of the Accelerating Innovative Start-ups for Energy Efficiency (AIS4EE) project, funded by the EU within the framework of EU-Vietnam Sustainable Energy Transition Program, hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), co-funded and implemented by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).

It is organized by Touchstone Partners, a venture capital firm in Vietnam.

The program is aimed at attracting investments in cutting-edge solutions for economical and efficient use of energy in the fields of industry, transportation, and building sectors in Vietnam.

Selected teams will undergo a nine-week training program led by experienced experts, mentors in the start-up ecosystem and energy efficiency space.

The program’s total prize pool amounts to $35,000 for three best start-ups and $10,000 for three best youth teams.

Participants will also have opportunities to join national and international pitching events to call for investments of up to $1 million from Touchstone Partners, and from strategic venture capital partners.


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