August 06, 2024 | 15:00 GMT+7

Quang Tri and Thailand's Mukdahan boost economic cooperation

Nguyễn Thuấn -

The two provinces signing a cooperation agreement on August 5.

Leaders of the two provinces signed the cooperation agreement on August 5 in Quang Tri's Dong Ha city.
Leaders of the two provinces signed the cooperation agreement on August 5 in Quang Tri's Dong Ha city.

Central Quang Tri province of Vietnam and Mukdahan province of Thailand on August 5 signed a cooperation agreement for the 2025-2030 period in the fields of economy, investment, trade and tourism.

They will also strengthen cooperation in training, labor, human resources development and promotion.

Priorities will be given to cooperation in high-tech agriculture, seafood processing, tourism and transport.

They will create conditions for businesses of the two sides to get access to information about market of each other and investment opportunities.

The two provinces have many conditions to enhance cooperation, according to Chairman of Quang Tri People’s Committee Vo Van Hung. Both provinces are positioned along the East-West Economic Corridor which connects Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar.

Quang Tri and Mukdahan provinces established ties since 2005.


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