July 24, 2024 | 06:30 GMT+7

Revised land and housing laws and law on real estate business to take effect from August 1

Như Nguyệt -

They were adopted by the 15th National Assembly at its recent 7th session.

The Presidential Office on July 23 announced the State President’s order to promulgate the five laws.
The Presidential Office on July 23 announced the State President’s order to promulgate the five laws.

The Presidential Office on July 23 announced the State President’s order to promulgate five laws which were adopted by the 15th National Assembly at its recent 7th session.

The laws include the Capital Law (revised), the Law on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of the Law on Asset Auctions, the Law on Roads, and the revised Law on Social Insurance, and the Law on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of the Law on Land, the Law on Housing, the Law on Real Estate Business and the Law on Credit Institutions.

The Law on Land, the Law on Housing, and the Law on Real Estate Business will take effect on August 1, five months earlier than the initial schedule.

The Law on Credit Institutions took effect on July 1, with the exception of Clause 3, Article 200, and Clause 15, Article 210, which will come into effect from August 1.

The revised Capital Law is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025. It clearly defines the position and role of the capital city, policies and responsibilities for construction, development, management, and protection of the capital. The revised law continues perfecting legal foundation and builds special mechanisms as well as tackle difficulties and obstacles emerging during the implementation of the Capital Law with the aim of further developing the capital city.

The Law on Roads and the revised Law on Social Insurance will also take effect on January 1, 2025.

Earlier,  on July 22, the Presidential Office also made public the State President’s order to promulgate six other laws adopted at the legislature's 7th session, including the Law on Organization of People's Courts, the 2024 Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety, the 2024 Law on Archives, the Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosive Materials, and Support Tools, the Law on Defense, Security Industries and Industrial Mobilization, and the Law on amendments and supplements to some articles of the 2024 Law on VIP Protection.


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