August 27, 2024 | 14:00 GMT+7

Capital disbursement for key transport projects estimated at $1.73 bln in 7M

Ánh Tuyết -

Disbursement for some projects exceeding 50% target, including the North-South expessway.

Total public investment capital disbursement from national key transport projects reached over VND43.5 trillion ($1.73 billion) this year, as of July 31, according to the Ministry of Finance (MoF).

The figure is equivalent to 29.7% of the yearly plan.

Of which, disbursement of public investment capital for projects managed by the Ministry of Transport was estimated at over VND36.36 trillion ($1.45 billion) or 32.4% of the annual target.

Projects that gained over 50% of annual disbursement plan include the Eastern North-South Expressway, reaching 55.9%; Tuyen Quang – Ha Giang expressway, with 54.9% for the section crossing northern Tuyen Quang province and 100% for the section runing through northern Ha Giang province; and Cao Lanh – An Huu expressway, 70.3%.

Total public investment capital allocated for national key transport projects in 2024 stood at nearly VND145 trillion ($5.78 billion), accounting for 21.7% of the total.



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