July 04, 2024 | 09:15 GMT+7

Over 72% of construction firms expect stable or better business in Q3

Thanh Xuân -

Some 6,000 construction firms were under a survey conducted by the GSO.

Nearly 29% of construction enterprises expected better business in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the previous quarter, according to a survey launched by the General Statistics Office (GSO).

The survey studied the operation and business of over 6,000 construction firms nationwide in the second quarter of this year .

As a result, more than 43% of the surveyed enterprises expected stable business, while more than 28% forecasted more difficulties in the third quarter.

Regarding their operation in the second quarter, 26.4% of the firms experienced better business, 42.9% experienced stable business and 30.7% faced more difficulties than the first quarter of 2024, according to the survey.

Increase prices of construction materials and lack of construction contracts were key factors affecting business of construction firms in the second quarter.

Some 46.5% of the firms forecasted that construction enterprises will continue facing construction material price hike in the third quarter.


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