July 25, 2024 | 07:15 GMT+7


By Politburo member, State President To Lam

Photo: VNA
Photo: VNA

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong, a thinker, a culturalist, a theoretical flag of the Party, and an eminent student who has constantly studied and followed great President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and lifestyle, has devoted his lifetime to the revolutionary cause of our Party and nation, as well as the country and the people.

Being tested through the revolutionary practice for the past more than 55 years, and with his strategic vision, sharp thinking closely linked to practical summary, comrade Nguyen Phu Trong and the Party Central Committee have creatively applied and developed Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's ideology, and constantly built a purer and stronger Party; built a socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, and for the people; and supplemented, perfected and instructed the successful implementation of reforms, building our country with such as a “fortune, strength, reputation, and international position today that it had never enjoyed before”.

The Party affairs and building have held a particularly important position during his revolutionary life. Creatively applying Ho Chi Minh's ideology on Party building, comrade Nguyen Phu Trong has deeply clarified the nature of the Party and its role in national renewal, and in building the ruling Party through the cause of reform in Vietnam. Then, he and the Party Central Committee have made decisions and plans, and instructed the successful implementation of strategic policies on Party building and rectification; resolutely and persistently fought individualism and degradations within the Party, and corruption and other negative phenomena, while constantly improving revolutionary ethics, mettle, intellectual level, and pioneer role, and promoting good traditions and close-knit ties with the people. Under the Party leadership, headed by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, our Party has demonstrated its mettle and wisdom, leading the entire Party, people and entire army to win many great achievements in the cause of reform, defeat all sabotage plots of hostile forces, and build a truly "moral and civilized" society.

As Chairman of the National Assembly and Party General Secretary, the comrade is always concerned with the issue of building a socialist rule-of-law state of the people, for the people, and by the people. Under the leadership of comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, for the first time our Party has issued a Resolution on continuing to build and perfect the Vietnamese socialist rule-of-law state in the new period, setting the goals of "perfecting the Vietnamese socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, and for the people, led by the Communist Party of Vietnam; having a complete legal system that is strictly and consistently implemented; respecting the Constitution and the law, and respecting, ensuring and effectively protecting human rights and citizens' rights; State power being unified, clearly assigned, closely coordinated, and effectively controlled; a professional, rule of law, and modern administration and judiciary; the State apparatus being lean, pure, and operating effectively and efficiently; a contingent of cadres, civil servants, and public employees with sufficient qualifications, capacity, true professionalism, and integrity; modern, effective national governance; meeting the requirements of rapid and sustainable development of the country, becoming a developed, high-income socialist-oriented country by 2045.

Thoroughly grasping the ideology of Ho Chi Minh and deeply recognising the important role and position of culture "Culture is the soul of the nation”, "As long as culture endures, the nation endures", Nguyen Phu Trong, an eminent leader on the Party's cultural front, has dedicated significant efforts to building an advanced culture rich in national identity which really serves as a spiritual foundation of society, an endogenous strength, and a crucial driving force for national development. Under the leadership of Nguyen Phu Trong, the documents of the 13th National Party Congress fully and profoundly mention the cultural sector. The national conference on culture, held after more than 70 years, marked a milestone that connected the ideology and actions of the entire Party, people and army in strongly promoting the role of culture in national construction and defence, fulfilling the aspiration for a prosperous and happy country.

With profound political insight and strategic thinking, Nguyen Phu Trong, along with the CPV Central Committee, developed Vietnam's foreign policy, summarised practical experience and shaped the "Bamboo Diplomacy" art. This approach has built and developed Vietnam’s diplomacy with the distinct character of “Vietnamese bamboo”. Under the leadership of the Party, directly General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the “Bamboo Diplomacy” identity has been strongly promoted, creating historic turning points and qualitative changes in Vietnam's relations with major partners. Vietnam's position, prestige, and image as a reliable partner, active and responsible member have never been shining on the international stage and Vietnam has never integrated so deeply into the global economy, international politics, and human civilisation as it is today.

In his concurrent roles as State President, Chairman of the National Defence and Security Council, and Commander-in-Chief of the Vietnam People’s Army, Nguyen Phu Trong always paid profound attention to the People's Army and People's Public Security. He focused on building strong and united army and public security forces. He frequently reminded the armed forces of deeply absorbing, studying, and following the ideology, morality and lifestyle of President Ho Chi Minh, stressing that “Honour is the most sacred and noble thing” and urging them to wholeheartedly serve the country and the people, “rely on the people while working”, “be truly loyal, respect, and love the people”, maintain close ties with the people, protect their interests, and make them increase their trust and support. Under the leadership of the Party, directly General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the mission of building an elite, streamlined, strong, truly pure clean and strong army that meets the requirements of the new situation has achieved significant results. The public security and military forces have been staying united and closely working together, truly serving as the sword and shield, and the two wings of a bird, to safeguard peace and stability for national development.

Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong's complete thought is the people, the human, the wholehearted devotion and service to the people, building human and taking the people as the subject and the centre of the renewal process. Regarding the Party, he affirmed “our Party must take the highest sense of responsibility to the people, take care of the material and spiritual lives of the people"; "the Party's policy that does not reflect the interests of the people, the country, and the nation, and is not consistent with the rule of historical evolution, is a wrong policy,” "close connection with the people is the rule of existence, development and operation of the Party, and the decisive factor creating the Party's strength.” Analysing the difference between the socialist rule-of-law state and the capitalist rule-of-law state, he clearly stated that "the socialist rule-of-law state is different from the capitalist rule-of-law state in terms of nature: the rule of law under the capitalist regime is actually a tool to protect and serve the interests of the bourgeoisie, while the rule of law under the socialist regime is a tool to express and exercise the people's right to mastery, ensure and protect the interests of the majority of the people". Regarding the socialist market economy, he held that a basic characteristic, an important attribute of the socialist orientation in the market economy in Vietnam is that the economy must be linked with society, economic policies must be unified with social policies, and economic growth must go hand in hand with the implementation of social progress and equality in every step, every policy and throughout the development process. Every economic policy must aim at social development goals, encouraging legal enrichment along with hunger eradication and poverty reduction, taking care of people with meritorious services and those who are in difficulty circumstances." Under the leadership of comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, our Party has issued resolutions on socio-economic development, ensuring national defence and security in six economic regions across the country until 2030, with a vision to 2045, set goals, visions, directions, and solutions to create strong and breakthrough development, contributing to successfully realising the country's goal of 100 years under the Party's leadership, 100 years of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. By the middle of the 21st century, our country will become a developed nation, fulfilling President Ho Chi Minh’s desire of bringing our country to be on par with the powers on the five continents.

All his life, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has persistently devoted himself to the revolutionary cause of our Party and nation with an iron spirit and will, and has not stepped back in the face of obstacles and difficulties. He affirmed himself a great personality, considering “honour as the most sacred and noble thing", upholding the principles and devoting all his life to the country and the people. He is truly a typical example in terms of pure revolutionary morality, "fairness and impartiality", simple lifestyle, democratic, dedicated and scientific working style, and respect and love for people. He has been highly respected, trusted and loved by officials, Party members and the people, and esteemed and highly appreciated by international friends.

We firmly believe that under the Party's leadership, we will steadfastly apply and creatively develop Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, and the theory of the Party's renewal policy; persist with national independence and socialism; and the principles on Party building. The entire Party, people, and army will stay united and unified, and join efforts to capture opportunities and overcome challenges, building a truly pure and comprehensively strong Party and political system; rapidly and sustainably developing the country, and firmly safeguarding the Fatherland; turning Vietnam into a developing country with modern industry and upper middle income by 2030 when the Party marks its 100th founding anniversary, creating a solid foundation to complete the goal of becoming a developed, high-income socialist-oriented country by 2045 when the nation celebrates its 100th founding anniversary.

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