September 17, 2024 | 14:00 GMT+7

PM pushes for innovative digital transformaton

Nhĩ Anh -

The goal is to drive breakthroughs in digital transformation and foster the development of a digital society and economy

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Under the Prime Minister's Directive No 34/CT-TTg, dated September 16, 2024, ministries, ministry-level bodies, government agencies, and central municipal and provincial People's Committees have been urged to identify and explore innovative solutions for accelerating their respective digital transformation projects.

The goal is to drive breakthroughs in digital transformation and foster the development of a digital society and economy.

The directive emphasizes the need to select for inclusion in the projects those breakthroughs that have a broad-ranging impact on the industry, field, or locality within the scope of management. Addressing these issues will create the main driving forces to promote activities and create breakthroughs in digital transformation projects from ministries, ministry-level bodies, government agencies, localities, and industries for the development of a digital economy

Breakthroughs can focus on the content of digital economic development with four pillars: information technology industry, sectoral digital economy, digital governance and digital data, or the development of e-government, digital government, and smart cities, following the principle of putting people and businesses at the center.

The projects must ensure feasibility and can be immediately implemented based on practical needs and within the existing legal framework without the need for institutional and policy amendments.

The directive also emphasizes the need for measures and solutions to ensure cybersecurity and information security to limit the risk of leakage, loss of state secrets, internal information, and personal user data in cyberspace.

In the directive, the PM asked ministers, heads of ministry-level agencies and Government agencies as well as chairpersons of centrally-run cities and provinces to continue identifying breakthroughs, ensuring that they have their own breakthrough projects to implement digital transformation in their field and management scope.

During this process, ministries, sectors, and localities must stick to the reality in digital transformation, ensuring harmonisation and linkage with the implementation of Project 06, he asked.

Ministries, sectors, and localities with breakthrough projects must complete their projects by October 10, and define breakthrough areas and feasibility of the projects for implementation until 2025.

Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and Government agencies, as well as chairpersons People's Committees of centrally-run provinces and cities are responsible to the PM for implementing the project in their sectors, fields, and localities. Monthly meetings will be held to review and resolve difficulties and problems in the implementation of the projects.

The PM tasked the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) – the standing agency of the National Committee for Digital Transformation – to announce the digital transformation infrastructure component model, clearly defining responsibilities and presiding agencies, which must be completed before September 30, 2024.

The Ministry of Public Security was ordered to develop and complete a document summarising lessons learned from the implementation of Project 06 and disseminate it to ministries, sectors, and localities for reference. This task must be completed before September 20, 2024.

The Ministry of Finance was asked to allocate annual State budget funds to implement programmes, tasks, and projects under Project 06 based on proposals from ministries, sectors, and localities following the State Budget Law and related guiding documents.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Planning and Investment was assigned to preside over the summary of annual public investment plans based on proposals from ministries, sectors, and localities during the implementation of programmes and projects according to the law on public investment.


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