December 09, 2022 | 16:32 GMT+7

Specialized customs inspections save businesses $67mln

Relevant authorities should cut more procedures to ease clearing times and help businesses conducting international trade.

The implementation of a Decree on specialized inspections has helped reduce border checking protocols on the import and export of goods by 54 per cent, according to Mr. Bradley Bessire, Acting Director of the Vietnam Mission at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

This has contributed to saving businesses in Vietnam nearly 2.5 million days of labor and $67 million each year, he told a conference on customs reform and Vietnam’s trade prospects organized jointly by USAID and the Ministry of Finance’s General Department of Vietnam Customs on December 7.

Since 2018, the Trade Facilitation Program (USAID TFP) has been conducted between USAID and Vietnam Customs, focusing on specialized inspections.

After five reviews of legal regulations on specialized inspections since 2018, there have been certain reforms put in place as the number of goods subject to such inspections has markedly decreased, facilitating international trade and saving time and cost for businesses.

Addressing the gathering, Head of Vietnam Customs’ Risk Management Division Khuat Nhat Kha said there are between 13-14 million files of customs declarations submitted to customs authorities, excluding those from e-commerce, which added may take the figure to 20-21 million.

Vietnam’s trade revenue reached over $545 billion in 2020, a 5.4 per cent increase over 2019, with local customs authorities handling nearly 14 million files. In 2021, the figures were $670 billion, a 22.8 per cent increase from 2020, and 14.6 million files. As of mid-November this year, trade revenue had reached $665 billion.

Deputy Head of Vietnam Customs Mai Xuan Thanh said it has introduced a Customs Development Strategy to 2030 approved by the Prime Minister under Decision No. 628 dated May 20, 2022, in which the key target is to develop trade while enhancing smuggling prevention and control.

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