CPI and core inflation under control CPI and core inflation were both within set limits in February and the first two months of the new year. 09:30 20/03/2025
February CPI increases 0.34% The rise mainly driven by higher prices for food, rental housing, and transport services. 06:30 07/03/2025
January CPI up 0.98% following increased demand during Tet The CPI increase mainly driven by adjusted healthcare fees, and higher transportation costs and food prices. 16:00 07/02/2025
2024 Consumper Price Index increases 3.63% The CPI growth attributed to rising prices of food and services. 06:30 07/01/2025
CPI up 0.13% in November The CPI growth primarily driven by higher prices for household electricity and rental housing. 16:30 06/12/2024
October CPI up 0.33% from previous month . CPI increase driven by higher food and fuel prices 10:30 07/11/2024
CPI increases by 4.04% year-on-year at the end of 8M period The growth driven by higher prices of food, electricity, and education and health services 07:00 07/09/2024
CPI up 4.12% while core inflattion rising 2.73% in 7M Increase of petroleum price and household electricity consumption demand attributed to the CIP rise. 14:30 29/07/2024
CPI up 4.08% in 1H while core inflation rising 2.75% CPI increase mainly attributed to higher prices of food and foodstuff. 08:00 01/07/2024
CPI in May rises 0.05% Rising prices for pork and household electricty the main contributors. 07:30 30/05/2024