December 08, 2023 | 16:10 GMT+7

US semi-conductor enterprises find incredible investment opportunities in Vietnam

Anh Nhi -

Many US businesses have doubled their investment in the country.

With its increasingly important role, many US businesses have acknowledged the outstanding opportunities for Vietnam to develop its mark in the global semiconductor supply chain, President and CEO of the US Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) John Neuffer has said.

Addressing a conference in Hanoi on December 7 on Vietnam’s infrastructure readiness for the semiconductor industry, he said many members of the SIA, including Intel, Marvell, Synopsys, Qualcomm, Ampere, and Infineon, have carried out significant investments in Vietnam, with many doubling their investment in the country.

This investment demonstrates Vietnam’s increasingly important role in the global semiconductor supply chain, he said.

Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung told the conference that the government has assigned the ministry to train 50,000 engineers between now and 2030 to meet the rising demand among semiconductor investors in Vietnam.

He proposed that US semiconductor enterprises cooperate with Vietnamese partners to base chip semiconductor manufacturing plants in Vietnam.

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