June 07, 2024 | 07:30 GMT+7

Vietnamese, Swiss businesses discuss cooperation potential

Khánh Vy -

The Vietnam-Swizterland Economic Forum 2024 gathering 200 participants.

Delegates at the 2024 Vietnam-Switzerland Economic Forum.
Delegates at the 2024 Vietnam-Switzerland Economic Forum.

Potential for bilateral cooperation in financial sector and start-up investment was one of key topics of the 2024 Vietnam-Switzerland Economic Forum which opened in Switzerland on June 4.

At the event, themed “"Strengthening Ties, Building Futures", over 200 participants also discussed policies to support and promote trade and investment relations between the two countries; and potential benefits from signing a free trade agreement between Vietnam and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries, including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

They discussed and shared policies and cooperation needs in key areas of investment, innovation and renewable energy for sustainable development; and investment potential and opportunities in finance and financial technologies, economic trends affecting cooperation in this field, and several government policies to improve the legal framework and financial investment environment in Vietnam.

At the forum, representatives of businesses and startups introduced their innovative products, services and business models, growth potential and market expansion capabilities.

Trade and investment cooperation are two crucial pillars in the partnership between Vietnam and Switzerland. Some areas in Vietnam that Swiss investment funds assess as having great potential are exports, tourism and information technology services.

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