May 12, 2024 | 11:28 GMT+7

Vietnam's Customs Crackdown: Millions in Illegal Goods Seized

Trân Đinh -

In the first four months of 2024, Vietnamese customs officials have intercepted a vast array of illicit goods, highlighting the ongoing battle against smuggling and trade fraud in the country.

Nearly USD300 million worth of goods has been confiscated within the first four months this year. (Photo source: internet.)
Nearly USD300 million worth of goods has been confiscated within the first four months this year. (Photo source: internet.)

Vietnamese customs authorities have confiscated goods worth an estimated VND 7.1 trillion (USD 280 million) in the first four months of 2024, according to a recent report by the Vietnam Customs.

The crackdown has resulted in 4,886 cases of customs law violations, with four cases prosecuted and 45 others referred for prosecution to other agencies.

Smuggling Hotspots and Tactics

Smuggling activities have been particularly rampant at the Chi Ma border gate in the northern Lang Son province, where frozen food, poultry, and poultry products have been illegally transported.

This surge is attributed to increased demand for poultry breeding stock following the Lunar New Year, prompting smugglers to capitalize on the opportunity.

The report also highlights the persistent issue of fuel smuggling, with perpetrators often using modified fishing vessels or fishing logistics ships to transport illicit fuel for sale in waters bordering Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Cambodia.

The southern, southwestern, and Gulf of Tonkin sea areas have been identified as key hotspots for this activity.

In addition, sophisticated smuggling rings have exploited the temporary import for re-export policy to smuggle large quantities of oil under the guise of legitimate businesses.

Air and Sea Routes: A Conduit for Drug Trafficking

Drug trafficking remains a significant concern, with air and sea routes being exploited by criminal networks to transport narcotics and precursors across borders.

The report warns that transnational drug trafficking syndicates are establishing businesses in Vietnam to facilitate the production and transportation of drugs from abroad, turning the country into a new transit point.

Customs' Multifaceted Approach

In response to these challenges, Vietnamese customs authorities have implemented a comprehensive strategy to combat smuggling and trade fraud.

This includes the issuance of a plan to combat counterfeit goods and intellectual property rights infringements in 2024, as well as warnings about new smuggling tactics and methods used in drug trafficking via sea routes.

Customs officials are also intensifying efforts to prevent the illegal cross-border transportation of gold, foreign currency, and narcotics through express delivery services.

Drug Seizures and Collaboration

The customs department, in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies, has made significant strides in combating drug trafficking.

In April 2024 alone, 22 cases were intercepted, resulting in the arrest of 42 individuals and the seizure of various narcotics, including heroin, ketamine, marijuana, and other synthetic drugs.

The Vietnamese government's unwavering commitment to combating smuggling and trade fraud is evident in the customs department's proactive measures.

However, the ever-evolving tactics of criminal networks necessitate continued vigilance and adaptability in enforcement strategies.

The recent crackdown serves as a stark reminder of the scale and complexity of illicit trade in Vietnam. As the country continues to integrate into the global economy, the fight against smuggling and trade fraud remains a critical priority for both economic stability and public safety.

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