June 12, 2024 | 10:00 GMT+7

All enterprises to be relocated out of Bien Hoa 1 IP before December 2025

Thanh Xuân -

The IP will be converted into an urban, trade and service area.

Bien Hoa 1 Industrial Park (IP) in Dong Nai province.
Bien Hoa 1 Industrial Park (IP) in Dong Nai province.

All enterprises at Bien Hoa 1 Industrial Park (IP) in southern Dong Nai Province will be relocated out of the IP before December 2025, as the IP will be coverted into an urban, trade and service area, according to the provincial authorities.

Under a Decision issued recently by the provincial People’s Committee, the relocation of the enterprises will be divided into two phases.

In the first phase, enterprises whose facilities cover over 75 hectares of land in the south of the industrial park will move prior to December this year.

The remainders  will be relocated to other locations before December 2025.

The People’s Committee said it will create the best conditions for enterprises to relocate, ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of both businesses and workers.

The IP was established in 1963. In 2014, the Prime Minister approved the province’s plan to transform the IP into an urban, trade and service area.

In February 2024, the provincial People’s Committee ratified the master plan on the conversion of the IP.

The conversion plan includes two projects, including a 44-ha administrative and political center and a 286-ha Bien Hoa 1 urban, trade, and service area.

Compensation and site clearance for the implementation of the plan is estimated at VND7.5 trillion ($294 million) while over VND1.27 trillion ($49.8 million) will be used to support workers and help enterprises to stabilize production as well as train human resources.

This move seeks to revitalize both the specific area and Bien Hoa City as a whole, while also mitigating water pollution in the Dong Nai River.


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