September 20, 2024 | 15:00 GMT+7

Investment policy for an industrial zone in Dong Nai approved

Huỳnh Dũng -

Covering over 2,600 ha, the project is set to be one of the largest industrial zones in the southern province.

Illustrative Photo
Illustrative Photo

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha signed Prime Ministerial Decision No 1005/QĐ-TTg (Decision 1005) on September 19, approving the investment policy for the Bau Can - Tan Hiep industrial zone (phase 1) in Dong Nai province.

The project is part of an expansion plan approved by the Prime Minister on December 25, 2020, under which two new industrial zones will be added.

The Bau Can - Tan Hiep industrial zone, covering over 2,600 ha, is set to be one of the largest industrial zones in the southern province.

Under Decision 1005, the provincial People's Committee was asked  to direct the management board to review and determine the total investment capital for the project. The committee was also requested to approve the general construction planning and coordinate with relevant central agencies to determine traffic routes within the project area where cultural heritage protection must be ensured, according to a requirement from the Decision.

The investor, Tan Hiep Industrial Park Joint Stock Company, is responsible for all risks, costs, and legal compliance, ensuring that state assets are not lost.

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