May 29, 2024 | 16:45 GMT+7

PM requests to accelerate site cleance for key transport projects

Tiến Dũng -

Slow site clearance prevents projects from progressing.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on May 28 signed a dispatch requesting relevant ministries, agencies and localities to accelerate and complete site clearance for key transport projects on schedule.  

The dispatch stated that site clearance is a complex and challenging task as it directly affects people's rights and livelihoods. The implementation process often takes a long time, thus making a significant impact on project progress.

Regarding the Ministry of Transport's report on slow site clearance in  some localities, the Government leader asked for measures to encourage residents to hand over their land to make way for projects. Accordingly, local authorities have to directly meet the residents to timely handle their legitimate complaints and petitions, to accelerate preparation of resettlement areas for those who gave their whole land for projects of public interest,  and to ensure the lives and production of relocated people.

Vietnam targets to have some 3,000 km of expressway by 2025, and 5,000 km by 2050.




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