July 15, 2024 | 13:30 GMT+7

Vietnam imports over 74,500 cars in 1H

Hoàng Lâm

Indonesia becoming the biggest supplier of cars to Vietnam.

Vietnamese firms imported 74,585 completely-built-up (CBU) cars in the first six months of the year with a total revenue of $1.55 billion, according to the General Department of Vietnam Customs.

The figure represents an increase of 5.2% in volume but a decrease of 6.4% in value compared to the same period last year.

In June alone, 15,890 CBU cars were imported, worth $310 million.

Indonesia surpassed Thailand to become the biggest supplier of cars to Vietnam during the six-month period with 32,797 units valued at $478 million, accounting for 44% and 31.2% of the total volume and value, respectively.

Thailand ranked the second with 23,736 units, worth $463 million. It was followed by China with 14,729 units, worth nearly $456 million.






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