July 30, 2024 | 16:30 GMT+7

Vietnam welcomes nearly 10 mln foreign tourists in 7M

Tường Bách -

South Korea ramining the biggest source market.

International Firework Festival in central Da Nang city.
International Firework Festival in central Da Nang city.

Vietnam welcomed nearly 10 million foreign tourists in the first seven months of this year, marking an impressive growth of 51% year-on-year, according to the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism.

In July alone, 1.15 million international holiday-makers visited Vietnam.

Meanwhile, the total number of domestic travellers reached 79.5 million during the seven-month period.

Total tourism revenue was estimated at VND513.3 trillion ($20.16 billion).

South Korea remains the biggest source market with nearly 2.6 million, accounting for 26% of the total. It was followed by China with 2.1 million, Taiwan (China) 732,000, the US 478,000, and Japan 380,000.

Other key markets included Australia, Malaysia, India, Cambodia and Thailand.

Vietnam targets 15-17 million foreign tourists this year.



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