August 16, 2024 | 07:30 GMT+7

Additional 254 establishments need greenhouse gas inventory this year

Nguyệt Hà -

The greenhouse gas inventory requirement is part of the Government green transition strategy in 2021-2030 period.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has signed a Decision approving a new list of businesses that are required to conduct greenhouse gas inventory in 2024.

Under the Decision No.13/2024/QĐ-TTg, which will take effect from October 1, additional 254 establishments are requested to conduct greenhouse gas inventory this year.

They bring the total number of businesses that need greenhouse gas inventory to 2,166 nationwide.

They include 1,805 businesses operating in the trade and industry sector, 75 in transport, 229 in construction and 57 in natural resources and environment

Sectors that need greenhouse gas inventory include energy, construction, industrial processes, waste, agriculture, forestry and land use.

The greenhouse gas inventory requirement is part of the roadmap to implement the Government green transition strategy in 2021-2030 period with a vision to 2050.


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